The Future Of Marketing: How Deep Work Studios is Using AI to Help Matt Plapp succeed!

In 2016, my business coach said I should hire a cameraman to catch the journey of my biz. Fast forward seven years and now there’s an entire media team dedicated to making me look good online! Today on MPTV we have Peter Glenn in-studio – he’s like the puppeteer controlling everything Matt Plapp does across social platforms. Tune into this episode as we explore what Pete has learned so far and how AI is helping him make life easier (and maybe even turn Matt into a genius).

Check out this episode!

Keeping Your Restaurant Clean (and Why It Matters)

Are you a restaurant owner? Then pay attention! If we’ve learned anything from recent visits to local restaurants, it’s that an extra set of eyes can make all the difference. Making sure your establishment pays close attention to even its tiniest details is essential for making guests feel comfortable and welcome – after all, no one wants their meal interrupted by someone else’s mess.


Let this MP TV episode serve as motivation; don’t let something small go unnoticed in your business – because customers notice everything.


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If these problems sound familiar and you think your restaurant would benefit from working with my team of experts, click the link below:


#restaurantcleaning #Businesscleanliness #Restaurantownerpodcast


Check out this episode!